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Fresh Ice Page 13

  She smiled, and in that smile was more forgiveness than Quinn thought he deserved. “Don’t be. I mean, it’s actually sort of a charge, skating again. I’ve missed it.” She started skating backwards, still facing him. “I guess you can never completely escape who you are, right?”

  I’ve been trying to do that for years.

  “Don’t beat yourself up. It might be good to talk to someone. At least you get it. You understand what it’s like to be away from the ice when you still love it.” She put a hand on his chest. “Our secret?”

  I get to share a secret only a select few know? I’m in. “Our secret.” He watched her skate away from him. “On a completely different note, you’d make a great defenseman.”

  “How so?”

  “You skate backwards faster than most guys I’ve seen in the league.”

  “Sorry,” she slowed her speed and smiled. “On that same note, you’d be a pretty good pairs’ partner.”

  Their easy give and take was restored. Relieved, Quinn laughed out loud and sped up to skate next to her. “Doubtful.”

  “No, honestly. You’re tall, and strong. Those are key points. Plus, you know how to skate.”

  “No, you skate. I move around.”

  “Oh, shut up. False modesty doesn’t work on you.”

  “Did the First Lady of Pairs’ Skating just tell me to shut up?” It was his turn to skate backwards.

  “Oh, that’s where we’re going, seriously?” Izzy shoved him. “Monster Mash Murray is calling me names?”

  “Obviously we’ve found each other’s Wikipedia page.”

  “Obviously.” She slowed and skated next to him.

  Emboldened by her nearness, Quinn softened his tone. “Show me some moves.”

  The request surprised her. “What, now?”

  “Sure, why not? We have world class ice right here.”

  She frowned. “What did you do to make everyone in the place just leave?”

  Quinn nodded to the faint light in the glowing from one luxury box. “I have a lot of charm and a couple of very important keys for rooms in this place.”

  “How much time do we have?”

  Quinn checked his watch. “An hour, give or take.”

  Izzy skated a few paces ahead of him, then turned and skated backwards. She seemed to assess him more like a side of beef than a skater.

  “A spin and a jump would take way too long, plus you really can’t spin in those.” She pointed to his hockey skates.

  Quinn shook his head. “I always thought a death spiral would be cool.”

  “No, those are way more complicated than they look, and you,” she looked him up and down with a practiced eye, “don’t look ready for something like that. But,” she reached her hand to him, “you could do a throw.”

  Quinn took her hand willingly, but was not amused at her suggestion. “I’m sorry, a throw? Not a chance.”

  “A throw is probably the simplest thing I could teach you. I would have a bit more control over the end result of a throw than I would a lift.”

  Quinn pictured himself lifting Izzy over his head, and the image ended with her crashing more than six feet down, slicing his face open with her skates in the process. “Okay, a throw it is.”

  “Now a lot of people debate over what the easiest one to do is, but I like the throw double Salchow.” She sidled up to him. “It’s almost romantic and I’m fairly sure I can stick a landing on a double without killing us both.”

  “Oh, well, that sounds so easy. Sign me up.”

  “Oh, come on!” She put a hand on his arm. “Just give it a try. I’ll admit, I’m sort of interested to see if I can still do it.”

  “What do I need to do?”

  Izzy’s eyes glowed in the dim light. “Okay, the first thing you have to know is that if you’re going to be a pairs’ skater, you have to trust your partner.”

  “Got it. Trust.” Simple word. Impossible concept.

  As Izzy explained a few things, her whole body quivered with an energy Quinn hadn’t seen in her before. How much magic did the skating world lose because they pushed her out?

  “Now, put your hand here on my waist and one here on my shoulder. Now skate.”

  He obeyed her command and they skated over the full oval of the ice. He held her, but Izzy lead them both. Her body was taught, tense, like a guitar string. He marveled at how easily she moved, and how natural it was to have his hands on her.

  “Now, you’re going to throw me.”

  “Now?” His feelings of comfort abandoned him.

  She slowed and skated backwards in front of him. “Don’t sweat it. All you have to do is put your hands here, and hold my hand here. When I say go, just fling, sort of a like a Frisbee.”

  “Frisbees don’t have arms and legs that break.”

  “You’re not chickening out on me, are you?”

  “No, of course not.” Quinn held her, tense, waiting for her command.


  He spun and let her go. All he could do was watch as she twirled in the air twice, and fumbled to a wobbly landing. She regained her footing quickly, and shot a dazzling smile at him. “You did it!” She glided to a stop and leaned against the boards.

  He caught up to her. “Are you okay, though? That landing looked awkward.”

  She waved a hand in the air. “Please. No ice on the butt, no problem.”

  “In that case that was incredible!” He caught her in his arms and whirled her around. “I can’t believe I just did that!” He set her back on her feet and studied her flushed, smiling face. “Izzy…” he breathed on her cheek before sealing his lips to hers.

  In that moment the weight of Quinn’s past fell away from him. One kiss, one perfect first kiss, and every other woman washed out of his memory. His senses filled with her, the sweet taste and smell of her surrounded him, wrapping him in a blanket of warmth. Here, on the ice, was a place of safety. Here he was strong.

  He was a hero again.


  Heat flowed from his kiss through her body. I’ve never been kissed this way.

  It was the only conscious thought she had for several moments. Her knees weakened and every nerve in her body woke to wild sensation as he pulled her closer. She steadied herself, her hands on his broad chest, her finger tips throbbing to the beat of his heart.

  They broke apart breathlessly, fighting a force neither could see. Izzy glided backward a few feet on wobbly legs as she watched emotions spark in Quinn’s eyes.

  “Um…okay then.” She was horrified at the sound of her own voice.

  Quinn reached out a hand, an apologetic gesture. “Hey, I’m …”

  “No, no.” She stopped skating away from him and put a hand on his chest. “No, it’s…it’s okay. I, think…yeah. It’s all good.”

  It’s all good? Oh please someone stop me from saying stupid things!

  “How about if we try that again?” She put a hand over her mouth. What is wrong with me? “The, uh, the throw, you know.”

  “Oh, yeah, right.”

  It took Izzy two full trips around the rink before she was ready to shout, “Now!”

  This time Quinn was confident. He lifted and released her with power and direction. She did a double and landed perfectly. She cheered again, this time jumping up and down like a child. “That was awesome!”


  As she skated toward him there was a light in Izzy’s eyes, a vibration to her whole being Quinn couldn’t miss. She was as connected to the ice as he was. She had been exiled, not from Nashville, not from her friends and family, but from the ice, for almost twenty years. Now that she was back, now that she’d felt that rush beneath her skates again, Quinn knew, she couldn’t give it up

  “Quinn,” she put her hands on his shoulders, “I had no idea how much I missed this. I’d forgotten. Thank you.” She hugged him.

  This time, Quinn was more ready, and in control as his lips claimed hers. His hands roamed over her, sensitive to her re
sponses. No longer shy or surprised, Quinn sought to pull her spirit in to his own. He tightened his arm around her, protective and possessive, and she melded to him, her defenses down. He traced the length of her back to her hip, then down her thigh. Even through the soft denim of her jeans, Quinn felt her body warm to his touch. Her scent, the taste of her lips, swirled around and into him, intoxicating him. He grasped her thigh, and pulled her closer, tight against him, aching to lose himself in her closeness.

  A flash of warning fired through him. Not like this!

  He broke away, the separation was jagged, burning. His heart pounded as he circled away from her. What am I doing?

  I’m doing the right thing.

  If this is the right thing, why can’t I look at her right now?

  “Quinn?” Izzy’s voice seemed very far away. He was surprised, as he turned, to see her right behind him. “Are you…okay?”

  He took a deep breath. “Yeah, yeah. I just…I mean, you know…” he couldn’t find the words to answer the question in her dark blue eyes. “This isn’t what I envisioned. I’ve got my skates on.” His stammering clearly did little to ease her confused frown. Quinn picked a focal point beyond her right shoulder. “Look. Are you hungry?”

  She blinked as if trying to switch gears. “I could eat, I guess.”

  He tensed, and skated backwards. How am I making this so weird? “You don’t have to work tonight, right?”

  “No, I’m free.” Izzy smiled uncertainly. “But don’t you have to be here for the game? You know, for that kid?”

  Crap! I forgot about the kid.

  Steamy kissing will tend to wipe out charity obligations.

  “Right, the kid. Yeah, I have to be here at least for a while.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” She seemed to be struggling to suppress a giggle as she circled him smoothly.

  Get it together, Murray! “I’d like to ask you out on a proper date. Later. Tonight.”

  She stopped short, a small cloud of spray firing from her skate blades. “You’re asking me on a date?”

  “I am.” Quinn’s face heated.

  Izzy cleared her throat. “Just so I understand. This would be a romantic date?”

  “Yes.” The word fell from him in a wave of choking relief.

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  Quinn liked that it was now her turn to be completely off balance. “I could pick you up at your place, say around ten?”

  “Right. Ten.”

  Quinn skated to the bench and sat down. Now that he’d actually said the words out loud, he was weak with relief. He unlaced his skates as she sat down. “So ten’s not too late?”

  Her hair fell forward, hiding her face from him. “Ten is fine.” Her laugh was a nervous giggle.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I’m picturing you, pulling up to the coffee shop, all formal and flowers.” She sat up and nudged her shoulder against his.

  All of the tension in Quinn’s body eased, and he felt like himself again. He grinned and ruffled her hair. “I wouldn’t bring you flowers.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “And why not?”

  “Because you’re allergic.”

  Izzy bit her lip and this time it was her cheeks that colored warmly. “Is that on my Wikipedia page too?”

  “Nope, I knew that. I think Cat told me, or Jenna.” Confidence flowing through him again, Quinn picked up his gym bag and guided her out of the arena. I know a lot of things about Isabella Landry. Maybe tonight I’ll get to know Izzy Marks a little better.

  Her kiss still warmed his lips. Maybe a lot better.

  They walked in silence to the front doors. “Okay, so ten?”

  “Ten.” She walked to her car.

  Quinn checked his watch. He had two hours before the game to create a romantic evening. An evening worthy of Isabella Landry.


  An evening worthy of Izzy Marks.


  After driving up and down the streets of Nashville, trying to make sense of the afternoon, Izzy pulled into her parking space at the coffee shop and turned off the car. It was only then that she acknowledged that her knees were still wobbly from the kiss.

  What have I just gotten myself into?

  The skating? The kissing? Now I’m going on a date with Quinn?

  What does he think I’m expecting? What should I be expecting?

  Oh lord, he probably thinks I’m expecting sex.

  She rolled the thoughts in her head as she walked into the coffee shop.

  “Hey, Mom. How was Quinn’s charity thing?” Jenna looked up from a text book.

  “Well, I just did something I haven’t done in a long time.”

  “What haven’t ya done in a long time?” Cat met her at the foot of the stairs. “Sex? Did you have sex? I want details! Oooh, did he wear skates? How sexy would that be?”

  “Ewwwwww! Cat shut up!” Jenna shouted.

  “Yes, Cat, shut up. I’m not sharing the details of my sex life with my daughter.”

  “That means you have a sex life, and it has to be with Quinn!”

  Izzy scurried up the stairs, thankful that no other customers were in the shop to witness this fresh humiliation. “I am not going to share the intimate details.”

  “Hey, Jen? When your mom says ‘intimate details,’ she means sex!”


  Izzy shouted over her shoulder. “I’m not sharing anything with the two of you until you both grow up!” She slammed her door for good measure.

  She counted to five, and, as if on cue, a light knock was followed by, “We’re sorry.”

  Izzy opened the door. “Can I help you girls?”

  She laughed out loud at the comically sad faces they both wore. “Okay, come on in. I do have news and I don’t think I have enough time.”

  “Time for what, Mom?”

  “Sit down, and help me pick out something to wear. I am going on a date.”

  Both younger women sat on Izzy’s bed. Jenna looked confused.

  “Does Quinn know you’re going out with someone?”

  “What are you talking about? The date is with Quinn.”

  “Mom, haven’t you two been going out for awhile?”

  Cat tapped her chin. “No, remember, Jens, your mother insists she and Quinn are just friends. So tonight is a new level for them, and they are calling it dating.”

  “So, this is a date, and then, what, Quinn asks Mom to go steady?”

  Cat and Jenna fell on Izzy’s bed laughing.

  Lord, grant me patience. “Will one of you find something appropriate in my closet?”

  Jenna frowned. “What would be appropriate for a first date between two people who have been a total couple for at least a month?”

  “Oh, if only we had a Hepburn here.” Cat hopped off the bed. “Audrey or Kate…both fashion icons. They would know what to do at a platonic date.”

  “For your information,” Izzy shouted from the bathroom, “this is a romantic date.”

  “What?” Both women continued laughing uproariously.

  “Yes, well,” Izzy donned her fuzzy pink robe and sat down in the armchair, “we did have one…no, two, amazing kisses.”

  “Where did he kiss you?”

  “On the ice.”

  “On the ice? Geez Iz, I mean, he’s a great skater, but isn’t that sort of dangerous? I mean, you slip and fall and drag him down, and then it’s all blades and bruises, which some would find sexy, but you two don’t really strike me as that sort of couple.”

  “You’re wrong there, Cat,” Jenna shook her head. “Mom’s a great skater. She would’ve gone to the Olympics. Why are you waving your arms at me, Mom?”

  Izzy stopped frantically waving her hands at Jenna. “Jenna, dear, you know I haven’t told anyone about that.”

  “Mom, Cat’s practically a member of the family. She’s helping you pick out sexy underwear. Tell her.”

  “Tell me what?” Cat held up a pair of Izzy’s
‘granny panties.’ “If you’re going to tell me that you have zero date appropriate dainties, don’t bother. I figured that out.”

  “No, Cat, I think Mom here should tell you.”

  “So you kissed a guy on the ice. Very ‘Ice Castles,’ minus the blindness. Oh, but how cool would it be if you were a figure skater, right? ‘Cause he’s a hockey player, then you could totally be like “The Cutting Edge” which a lot of people dismiss, but it’s such a good…wait a minute.” Cat took a breath and stared at Izzy. “Izzy? ‘Izzy’ could be short for…no way. Jenna, what did you say your dad’s name was?”


  “Jason, as in maybe Jason Masters, pairs’ figure skating god from when I was like seven. And that would make you Isabella Landry?”

  “Yes.” Izzy blushed and nodded. “Guilty as charged.”

  Cat dropped the underwear on the floor and clapped her hands over her face. “Oh. My. Gawd! Jenna, did you know this? Did you know Izzy was Isabella Landry?”

  Jenna grinned. “Yeah, I’m recently aware of it.”

  “Izzy? I can’t believe it! I’m standing like, in the presence of greatness!”

  “I wouldn’t go that far, Cat.” Izzy slumped in the chair and rubbed her temples.

  “Jenna, has she ever showed you the routine?”

  Jenna shot a sharp look to Izzy. “My parents sort of kept a low key about their skating.”

  “Jason Masters and Belle Landry. Jason was the sexiest skater, I didn’t even know what sexy was until I saw him skate. I was totally jazzed when he dumped that bitch Serena Shipley. I thought for sure he’d find me, little-nine-year-old me, and make me his new partner. But then he paired up with Isabella Landry…with you!”

  “Okay, Cat, we all know the story.” And now is hardly the time to relive it.

  “True, but I would love to have seen the routine, Mom.”

  Cat jumped up and down. “I have it on tape! I totally have it on tape!”

  Cat raced out of the room, leaving Jenna and Izzy gaping at each other. She returned in a minute, waving an ancient VHS tape over her head. The tape was marked USA FIGURE SKATING: LANDRY AND MASTERS BEST NATIONALS EVER.